
3 android4.3(API 18)で追加されたTextToSpeechのAPI

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android4.3(API 18)で追加されたTextToSpeechのAPI

以下の2つのAPIがandroid4.3(API 18)で追加されたTextToSpeechのAPIです。

  • Locale getDefaultLanguage()
  • int getMaxSpeechInputLength()

API reference

では、それぞれの API reference を見ていきます。

public Locale getDefaultLanguage ()

Added in API level 18
Returns a Locale instance describing the language currently being used as the default Text-to-speech language.
language, country (if any) and variant (if any) used by the client stored in a Locale instance, or null on error.

デフォルトのTextToSpeechの言語として利用している現在の設定のLocale instane を返す

public static int getMaxSpeechInputLength ()

Added in API level 18
Limit of length of input string passed to speak and synthesizeToFile.
See Also
speak(String, int, HashMap)
synthesizeToFile(String, HashMap, String)


Locale getDefaultLanguage()のソースコード
 * Returns a Locale instance describing the language currently being used as the default
 * Text-to-speech language.
 * @return language, country (if any) and variant (if any) used by the client stored in a
 *     Locale instance, or {@code null} on error.
public Locale getDefaultLanguage() {
    return runAction(new Action() {
        public Locale run(ITextToSpeechService service) throws RemoteException {
            String[] defaultLanguage = service.getClientDefaultLanguage();

            return new Locale(defaultLanguage[0], defaultLanguage[1], defaultLanguage[2]);
    }, null, "getDefaultLanguage");
getDefaultLanguage() の利用箇所

Locale defaultLocale = mTts.getDefaultLanguage();
if (defaultLocale == null) {
    Log.e(TAG, "Failed to get default language from engine " + currentEngine);

 // TODO: This is currently a hidden private API. The intent extras
// and the intent action should be made public if we intend to make this
// a public API. We fall back to using a canned set of strings if this
// doesn't work.
Intent intent = new Intent(TextToSpeech.Engine.ACTION_GET_SAMPLE_TEXT);

intent.putExtra("language", defaultLocale.getLanguage());
intent.putExtra("country", defaultLocale.getCountry());
intent.putExtra("variant", defaultLocale.getVariant());
int getMaxSpeechInputLength()のソースコード
 * Limit of length of input string passed to speak and synthesizeToFile.
 * @see #speak
 * @see #synthesizeToFile
public static int getMaxSpeechInputLength() {
    return 4000;




1件のコメント »

  1. kurosuke77777 より:

    TextToSpeech for Android4.3

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