Inten Edison R2ファームウェアで解決済みなissueは以下です。
- EDISON-1801
- Wi-Fi latency is higher than expected.
- EDISON-1803
- No option available to exit Wi-Fi setup in configure_edison.
- EDISON-1810
- Unable to pair with BLE-enabled Wahoo fitness cheststrap.
- EDISON-1812
- Unable to connect Intel® Edison via Intel® Edison Wi-Fi AP mode.
- EDISON-1815
- FTDI USB serial not recognized in Windows 8.1 host.
- EDISON-1827
- Warning at boot: dwc3-device dwc3-device.1: dwc3-gadget is already bound to g_multi.
- EDISON-1848
- Kernel traces duplicated in the journal.
- EDISON-1864
- sshd doesn’t autostart and will not manually start.
- EDISON-1866
- Linux-Arduino sketch sharing.
- EDISON-1872
- Error while generating/copying u-boot upstream patch on Jenkins.
- EDISON-1880
- Using the breakout board with Bluetooth* and Wi-Fi enabled, a Bluetooth* scan causes a reboot.
- EDISON-1882
- Wi-Fi: Fix netmask option in udhcp conf for hostapd.
- EDISON-1890
- Windows 8.1 and FTDI USB serial not recognized.
- EDISON-1902
- Close POODLE SSLv3 security vulnerability (CVE-2014-3566).
- EDISON-1904
- Wi-Fi: Align hostapd.conf with the default AP mode in the firmware.
- EDISON-1905
- rfcomm tool leads to a crash.
- EDISON-1908
- Crash while switching OTG with ACS.
- EDISON-1911
- SEGFAULT is received when SD card is removed from the SD card slot.
- EDISON-1912
- iotkit-admin components returns nothing.
- EDISON-1913
- systemctl status iotkit-agent shows status as failed.
- EDISON-1915
- configure_edison script doesn’t print clean countdown msg during scan.
- EDISON-1916
- Time is changed at NTP activation without NTP server.
- EDISON-1918
- Wi-Fi errors at boot.
- EDISON-1920
- Can’t flash a different rootfs size without xfstk installed.
- EDISON-1922
- MDNS daemon error on startup.
- EDISON-1923
- XDK daemon needs to restart if mdns daemon restarts.
- EDISON-1956
- Local commit on kernel and u-boot are not taken into account while creating src_package.
- EDISON-1977
- libreadline: Segmentation fault.
- EDISON-1993
- Unicode conversion failed.
- EDISON-1997
- Reboot OTA fails to load g_multi module.
- EDISON-2008
- Missing cross-compile toolchain for Win32 and Win64 SDK.
- EDISON-2009
- PWM is not working properly when accessed through MRAA.
- EDISON-2014
- Long pulse on SPI SCK is back again.
- EDISON-2015
- Journal log file grows after each reboot, leading to roots getting full.
- EDISON-2034
- Medium and maximal frequency on PWM0 generate rebounds.
- EDISON-2132
- Option order matters in flashall command.
- EDISON-2139
- UART and SSH console is broken after exiting connmanctl with Ctrl+C.
- EDISON-2140
- Problem flashing images using the flashall script due to missing .js handler.
- EDISON-2144
- NPM fails to fetch some packages.
- EDISON-2153
- iotkit-comm-c file missing in documentation.
- EDISON-2162
- Wi-Fi: IBSS mode not working.
- EDISON-2165
- FTP transfer during Wi-Fi failover roaming.
- EDISON-2175
- “mesg” command missing but referred to in /etc/skel/.profile.
- EDISON-2194
- Unable to generate authentication keys using iotkit-comm setupAuthentication.
- EDISON-2213
- “bitbake -c [devshell | menuconfig] linux-yocto” nonfunctional.
- EDISON-2226
- Fails to start the systemd-hostnamed service.
- EDISON-2227
- wpa_supplicant is flooding the syslog.
- EDISON-2229
- P2P multirole is unstable.
- EDISON-2238
- BT connection over FTP Is failing.
- EDISON-2248
- iotkit-lib-c: warning: Incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function.
- EDISON-2249
- ZMQ server client fails to communicate after setupAuthentication is completed.
- EDISON-2263
- Wi-Fi: P2P connection issue when country code XV/23 or XV25 is used.
- EDISON-2264
- BT-PAN connection failed using connman.
- EDISON-2275
- [AUDIO] Alsactl complains about unsupported control.
- EDISON-2278
- Wi-Fi: Missing driver parameter when loading the driver with P2P support.
- EDISON-2289
- Change OOBE license file.
- EDISON-2301
- Wi-Fi: Connection breaks after soft unblocking BT.
- EDISON-2302
- Cloud data subscription feature doesn’t work.
- EDISON-2308
- FOTA update does not work due to /etc/version format change.
- EDISON-2310
- Can’t send SPI message for SPI 32-bit test.
- EDISON-2324
- Flashall.bat does not handle errors well.
- EDISON-2330
- Wi-Fi: Connman connection takes sometimes 30 seconds.
- EDISON-2331
- OTA firmware upgrade does not work.
- EDISON-2332
- configure_edison –version command is not returning the current version of the Intel® Edison device’s firmware.
- EDISON-2333
- Wi-Fi Scan list from configure_edison –wifi or –setup shows invalid SSID name/characters(\x00 \x00).
- EDISON-2337
- ZMQ/MQTT server client fails to communicate after setupAuthentication is completed.
- EDISON-2339
- Unable to browse device contents after using obex connect.
- EDISON-2342
- XDK-daemon error: dns service error: Bad reference is continuously seen in journal log.
- EDISON-2343
- Secure mqtt client does not connect to mqtt service on LAN.
- EDISON-2345
- configure_edison –version.
- EDISON-2349
- Increase rootfs size.
- EDISON-2351
- The notice “board need reboot twice” is still on command line, since the board is only booting once.
- EDISON-2359
- systemd home.mount warning after flashing the board.
- EDISON-2360
- UART used for BT chip communication doesn’t resume.
- EDISON-2364
- Cloud data subscription feature doesn’t work in iotkit-comm-c.
- EDISON-2365
- No command prompt after flashing engineering build 1888.
- EDISON-2367
- Debian image generation broken and does not increase rootfs size.
- EDISON-2379
- Wi-Fi: create IBSS works, but join an existing IBSS does not work.